Everything New is Old Again

Elementary #2

Returning to the basics, the Elementary series are wet-plate tintype photograms made using a cube, sphere, cylinder, pyramid, and a few other shapes designed in a CAD program and created with a 3D printer, I also returned to the most elementary image making technique: photograms and one of the earliest photographic technologies: collodion wet-plate to make these tintypes.

As our lives become more complex I return to the basics: camera-less images of basic 3D forms. But with the twist that the 3D forms are 21st century 3D printed and the photograms are made on 19th century collodion wet-plate tintypes. Mashing up 19th and 21st centuries to create unique jewel-like objects to hold and marvel.

Collodion wet-plate photogram tintypes, 4.25” x 5.5” and 6” x 8”

Elementary #17

Elementary #16

Elementary #10