Category: Blog

Innocent Bystander

Lisa pulling the pots Raku firing

That would be me… the innocent bystander. Or I might be a teaching assistant, or the photographer/videographer or even occasionally a LSH (long suffering husband.) We were at Peters Valley Craft Center in northern NJ where My wife Lisa G Westheimer was teaching a Raku firing ceramics workshop. She has been a full time potter …

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Taking Stock

Magenta Globe

The photos for this post should be shot through a hazy filter since the story sounds impossible in light of the current state of the stock photography market and the memories are unclear. I was thinking back to when I used to make a decent income from stock photography. Yeah, like Getty Images… but different, …

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Open a Vein

“There’s nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and open a vein.” (said to be from Ernest Hemingway, but the quote has been attributed to others and the source probably predates Hemingway.) Regardless of who said it, the sentiment is real. Writing isn’t hard, but writing well is very hard. …

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Developing “Undeveloped”

Making “Undeveloped” – a recent 3D printed artist book – required a bunch of experiments and changes. I can usually see some of the problems and some of the ways I can improve the piece in the digital stages, during the CAD design in Tinkercad or in the slicing in Simplify3D. But sometimes when the …

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Just Press Print

Makerbot Fail Collection

Since 3D printers became available to hobbyists and now are being marketed as a consumer product the media has had a field day with stories that range from practical to prophetic to wondrous to ludicrous.  Some of the practical uses include 3D printing dental implants and prosthetic devices. The super hyped hysteria about 3D printing …

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