Salted paper prints for CRICKETS

As part of my collaboration with Leonard Seastone we made salted paper prints 22″ x 30″. We were fortunate to find a facility which had a large darkroom with a giant sink, several 30″ x 40″ trays, and an ultraviolet exposing system. It took us two days to make 24 prints. One day was just for testing and the second day was 11 hours in the darkroom making the final 24 prints.

Crickets sheet 1
Crickets sheet 1
Crickets sheet 2
Crickets sheet 2

Leonard made the exposures and I handled the processing. After the exposures were completed Leonard joined me in the darkroom shuffling prints through the first wash, 14 gallon hypo tray, wash, sodium sulphite bath, and final wash. I transported the wet prints back to my studio for drying on a clothesline.

Leonard making the exposures
Leonard making the exposures
at the exposure station
at the exposure station
Washing the prints
Washing the prints
in the wash
in the wash
hanging out to dry
hanging out to dry

Each 22″ x 30″ sheet will be cut to make 12 pages in the book. The book will have 24 pages and the cover will incorporate a glass plate ambrotype. The letterpress and binding is being done by Leonard. We expect that I will have a copy to show (and take orders!) at Charles Schwartz’ booth at AIPAD in March. The edition will be limited to 12 books.